Our Longterm care system is failing

Our long-term care system is failing us


  • Right now many seniors and people with disabilities go without the care and support they need because there simply aren’t enough caregivers
  • 1 in 5 seniors and 1 in 4 persons with disabilities live in poverty, and even those who do not can’t afford the cost of long-term care on their own
  • 10,000 people turn 65 every day in America, and 70% of Californians over the age of 65 need some form of long-term care
  • By 2020 our state will need 500,000 caregivers
  • Californians are living longer. The number of seniors is expected to more than double in our state to 12 million in 2060. Those turning 65 today are predicted to spend at least four years with a disability as they age
  • More than half of home care workers rely on some form of government assistance, and on average make just $10.66 per hour